Amritsar Sweets & Chaat
Shezwan Hakka Noodle
Made Fresh
Pure Vegetarian
Dine In or Take Away
Shezwan Hakka Noodle at Amritsar Sweets & Chaat in Brisbane & Logan offers an irresistible blend of authentic Indian street food and vibrant Chinese flavours, with noodles stir-fried in a zesty Shezwan sauce, fresh vegetables, and a perfect touch of spice.
This premium specialty provides a deliciously tangy and spicy experience, ideal for those seeking a unique and satisfying meal.
Open 7 Days | Dine In or Take Away ✨
Amritsar Sweets & Chaat | Authentic Indian Street Food & Desserts 🍰🍽👨🏻🍳
📞 0423 782 742